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'SNL' cooks up laughs with jab at 'tanning mom'

By Courtney Garcia, TODAY.com contributor

In a moment everyone hoped for, ?Saturday Night Live,? parodied the ?tanning mom? on its broadcast Saturday evening, and the startling truth was exuberantly received. Kristen Wiig?s caricature of Patricia Krentcil, New Jersey?s golden parent, arrived fittingly trailed by a cloud of smoke, and provided several raucous one-liners as part of the show?s, ?Weekend Update.?

"Trust me, there are many men in New Jersey that would love to snap into this Slim Jim," Wiig joked to host Seth Meyers, as she periodically gasped for air, being ?dried up? and all. ?I have the look everyone dreams of: Wile E. Coyote right after something blows up in his face.?

Video: 'Tanning mom' burned up about criticism

Before she left, Wiig also taught Meyers a trick, waving around a slice of wheat bread. ?Piece of bread, put it between my thighs ... toast!?

Praised by online ?tanorexic? disdainers, the only disappointing part of Wiig?s performance was that she didn?t seem to cake on quite enough orange.

Gwen Wright ?tweeted, ?Thank you SNL for making fun of NJ tanning mom -- she has it coming! #SNL"

Video: Bronzed mom pleads not guilty to tanning daughter

?The sad thing is Kristen Wiig wasn't even close to being tan enough on @nbcsnl to pass as the "tan mom" #SNL,? wrote Courtney Eagle.

Out of his astro-turfed comfort zone yet supported by his ?offensive lineup,? New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning served as host for the evening, convincing football and TV fans alike that he can surprisingly win as a comedian. He began his opening monologue by focusing on the adjustment to New York City living, playing unofficial tour guide by taking questions from cast members in the audience inquiring about local hotspots.

?There?s a great place called the Olive Garden. You have to go to New Jersey, but it?s worth it,? Manning said, suggesting a spot for Italian dining.

For fun things to do, the Super Bowl champion advised, ?Get some bulky shopping bags and three of the fattest kids you can find, then walk hand-in-hand through Times Square, slow as hell.?

Of course, it wasn?t a complete sell. Some thought the jock was noticeably awkward, he himself pointing out the gig was ?out of my element;? others saw him as ?cute.? Manning?s faux public service announcement for the ?Little Brothers Program,? a nonprofit dedicated to ?overcoming adversity, especially when that adversity is an older brother,? was a highlight of the athlete?s performance, also allowing him to get in a dig at his own famous sibling, who?s hosted in the past.

On Manning?s overall routine, ESPN reporter Travis Haney ?tweeted, ?Kinda what I anticipated from the whole show '@Trey_Scott: Eli I love you, but that was so awkward #SNL.'"

Sasha Baron Cohen, in character as fictional ruler Aladeen from the new film, ?The Dictator,? made a surprise cameo alongside Martin Scorsese, appearing on ?Weekend Update.? The adversarial ruler showed up to prove, at any cost, his upcoming movie was a hit.

?I am box-office uranium,? claimed Cohen, reading a bloodied letter allegedly from New York Times critic A.O. Scott, calling the satirist?s movie ?the best film I have seen in the last 10 years,? after being glued, or ?nailed,? to his seat.

When Meyers refused to believe the scheme, Aladeen wheeled out a kidnapped Scorsese, shocking him into professing glowing feedback.

Other highlights from Saturday?s show included a parody of erotic novel ?Fifty Shades of Grey,? which was centerfold for a racy Mother?s Day commercial where dads surprised their wives with generic gifts, only to discover them in compromising positions with the book. A Swedish mock-show of ?Chelsea Lately? had audiences divided as to whether it was the best or worst sketch ever, and Rihanna caused a stir during her performance of ?Birthday Cake? and ?Talk That Talk,? which many felt was too provocative.

National Post sports columnist Bruce Arthur wrote on Twitter, ?My, Rihanna certainly just tapped at her ladyparts area more than most Saturday Night Live musical guests.?

?SNL? paid brief tribute to the Beastie Boys? Adam Yauch, who died May 4, showing a clip from the group?s past performance on the show.

What was the highlight of Saturday's "SNL" for you? Discuss on Facebook.

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