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Gold Retirement Plan Choices | Dane Lector

Retirement, a time to bask in the sun after many years of working, nurturing a family and also making countless contributions to a retirement finance. Perhaps that was the truth years back, before the economy began to fail. These days, many people no longer dream of basking in the sun throughout their retirement years but only having sufficient to get by. Financial professionals around the world are motivating anyone aiming to really diversity their monetary portfolio to make at least several investment in gold as a buffer against difficult economic times. Gold retirement options are become more and more popular as the value of other non-commodity investments continues to suffer in light of uncertain economic instances.

Planning for Retirement

It?s rarely too early to plan for the day when you will stop working due to illness, age or just because you think it is time. It is vital that you have sufficient funds to supply for yourself, pay your bills as well as assist any emergency situations which may come up. More and more people are starting to realize that they can?t put all of their faith in ?traditional? kinds of retirement cost savings and see gold retirement autos as a probable answer to an unsound profile. In fact, many financial professionals today are urging individuals to take into account owning just a little gold if for nothing else compared to diversification and a safety net.

Why Invest in Gold

Gold and also other treasured metals don?t shed value when things in the economy go sour. Silver and gold are not produced by the government and are not managed by the federal government. For many, it is a very relaxing thought. Gold must be seen as a currency that is not linked with any country?s economic system. In fact, when interest levels increase, cash pours from the economic system but gold doesn?t drop its value.

Gold Retirement IRA

Lots of people are now able to add gold to retirement accounts. The gold must be in a particular form, generally coins or bars and of certain purity. The initial step is to check with your plan custodian to see if you are able to add gold to your account. It?s possible to add gold to a Roth, conventional as well as simplified staff pension plan. Several plans are limited and if it is the case, you may open another gold financed IRA account. Regardless if you are adding to a current account of beginning a new one, the procedure is very easy and will supply great diversity in your portfolio.

Golden Decision

It is essential that you do your research with regards to creating gold retirement investment decisions. Acquire good assistance from people that you trust and make certain that you understand the various available options for you.

While turning your entire investment portfolio to gold might be too risky for you, you might want to take into account at least a portion of gold to add some stability and also peace of mind. Gold retirement.

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'SNL' cooks up laughs with jab at 'tanning mom'

By Courtney Garcia, TODAY.com contributor

In a moment everyone hoped for, ?Saturday Night Live,? parodied the ?tanning mom? on its broadcast Saturday evening, and the startling truth was exuberantly received. Kristen Wiig?s caricature of Patricia Krentcil, New Jersey?s golden parent, arrived fittingly trailed by a cloud of smoke, and provided several raucous one-liners as part of the show?s, ?Weekend Update.?

"Trust me, there are many men in New Jersey that would love to snap into this Slim Jim," Wiig joked to host Seth Meyers, as she periodically gasped for air, being ?dried up? and all. ?I have the look everyone dreams of: Wile E. Coyote right after something blows up in his face.?

Video: 'Tanning mom' burned up about criticism

Before she left, Wiig also taught Meyers a trick, waving around a slice of wheat bread. ?Piece of bread, put it between my thighs ... toast!?

Praised by online ?tanorexic? disdainers, the only disappointing part of Wiig?s performance was that she didn?t seem to cake on quite enough orange.

Gwen Wright ?tweeted, ?Thank you SNL for making fun of NJ tanning mom -- she has it coming! #SNL"

Video: Bronzed mom pleads not guilty to tanning daughter

?The sad thing is Kristen Wiig wasn't even close to being tan enough on @nbcsnl to pass as the "tan mom" #SNL,? wrote Courtney Eagle.

Out of his astro-turfed comfort zone yet supported by his ?offensive lineup,? New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning served as host for the evening, convincing football and TV fans alike that he can surprisingly win as a comedian. He began his opening monologue by focusing on the adjustment to New York City living, playing unofficial tour guide by taking questions from cast members in the audience inquiring about local hotspots.

?There?s a great place called the Olive Garden. You have to go to New Jersey, but it?s worth it,? Manning said, suggesting a spot for Italian dining.

For fun things to do, the Super Bowl champion advised, ?Get some bulky shopping bags and three of the fattest kids you can find, then walk hand-in-hand through Times Square, slow as hell.?

Of course, it wasn?t a complete sell. Some thought the jock was noticeably awkward, he himself pointing out the gig was ?out of my element;? others saw him as ?cute.? Manning?s faux public service announcement for the ?Little Brothers Program,? a nonprofit dedicated to ?overcoming adversity, especially when that adversity is an older brother,? was a highlight of the athlete?s performance, also allowing him to get in a dig at his own famous sibling, who?s hosted in the past.

On Manning?s overall routine, ESPN reporter Travis Haney ?tweeted, ?Kinda what I anticipated from the whole show '@Trey_Scott: Eli I love you, but that was so awkward #SNL.'"

Sasha Baron Cohen, in character as fictional ruler Aladeen from the new film, ?The Dictator,? made a surprise cameo alongside Martin Scorsese, appearing on ?Weekend Update.? The adversarial ruler showed up to prove, at any cost, his upcoming movie was a hit.

?I am box-office uranium,? claimed Cohen, reading a bloodied letter allegedly from New York Times critic A.O. Scott, calling the satirist?s movie ?the best film I have seen in the last 10 years,? after being glued, or ?nailed,? to his seat.

When Meyers refused to believe the scheme, Aladeen wheeled out a kidnapped Scorsese, shocking him into professing glowing feedback.

Other highlights from Saturday?s show included a parody of erotic novel ?Fifty Shades of Grey,? which was centerfold for a racy Mother?s Day commercial where dads surprised their wives with generic gifts, only to discover them in compromising positions with the book. A Swedish mock-show of ?Chelsea Lately? had audiences divided as to whether it was the best or worst sketch ever, and Rihanna caused a stir during her performance of ?Birthday Cake? and ?Talk That Talk,? which many felt was too provocative.

National Post sports columnist Bruce Arthur wrote on Twitter, ?My, Rihanna certainly just tapped at her ladyparts area more than most Saturday Night Live musical guests.?

?SNL? paid brief tribute to the Beastie Boys? Adam Yauch, who died May 4, showing a clip from the group?s past performance on the show.

What was the highlight of Saturday's "SNL" for you? Discuss on Facebook.

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FOR KIDS: Switching cough off

Researchers find possible solution to the nagging problem of how to curb a cough

Web edition : 9:14 am

Doctors and scientists don?t fully understand coughing. But recent studies suggest that nerve cells in the body?s airways may point to a new way to treat coughing. Nerve cells are messengers: They send information from parts of the body to the brain, and from the brain back to the body. On the outside of nerve cells are molecules called receptors. Irritants like smoke and pollen that get inside the body?s airways through the mouth and nose stick to these receptors. Then the nerve cell sends a message to the brain, and the brain responds with a clear order to the body:


Scientists are investigating these nerve cell receptors because if they can be blocked ? at least for a while ? then maybe the coughing will stop.

Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website?and read the full story:?Switching cough off

Found in: Science News For Kids

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Pathogens that feed off human blood

Bacteria may be tiny little micro-organisms but like any other living creature there are certain molecules that they need for survival. No matter what niche a bacterial colony occupies, it eventually requires a source of iron. For bacteria that live within the human body, there is one incredibly iron-rich molecule that circulates throughout the human body and can be found permeating the tissues.

Haemoglobin ? the molecule that gives blood its red colour and is used to transport oxgyen through the body.

The structure of haemoglobin, by Richard Wheeler (Zephyris) 2007.

The image above (credit link) shows the structure of the haemoglobin molecule. It consists of four sub-chains (shown in red and blue) each of which carries an iron containing ?haem co-factor? which you can just about see in the diagram as the spikey green things. These haemoglobin molecules are packed tight into red blood cells, so tightly that the red blood cells don?t even have a nucleus but are just haemoglobin carrying machines. The lack of nucleus means that they can?t grown or divide (or do anything much), so after being put together in the bone marrow and circulating the blood for around three months red blood cells are?discreetly?removed and replaced.

All of this circulating iron is a great opportunity for pathogenic bacteria, who have developed varies systems to get hold of it. Firstly they have to break down the red blood cells, usually by secreting various chemicals that break up the cell membrane, releasing the haemoglobin. Then they have to bind to the haemoglobin via specialised receptors on their cell surface. Once bound, the haemoglobin passes through the bacterial cell wall and into the interior of the cell. For bacteria with two cell membranes (Gram negative bacteria) this is a complex task involving various different proteins, transporters, and use of the proton-motive force. For bacteria with one large thick cell membrane (Gram positive bacteria) ?some sort of protein relay process seems to be involved, which uses far less energy. Greater detail on both these processes can be found in the references below.

A very simply schematic of the difference between Gram positive bacteria (top) and Gram negative (bottom). Original uploader was Graevemoore at en.wikipedia.

Once inside the bacterium, the haemoglobin is broken down to release the precious iron that it carries. This is more dangerous than it sounds, because the iron in haemoglobin is carrying oxygen, which means that there is potential for reactive oxgyen species to be released and cause havoc inside the cell. Not only that but in some bacteria the ?haem co-factor? itself can be toxic. Some bacteria contain special enzymes called ?Haem oxygenases? which deal with the oxgyen species, while others sequester the haem in vacuoles away from the rest of the cell, or turn on exporter molecules. It?s not quite clear whether the exporters are taking away the haem or some other toxic product, but they are vital for preventing the toxic effects of haemoglobin within the bacteria.

The whole process of extracting iron from haemoglobin is actually fraught with dangers for the bacteria. The process requires all sorts of special molecules and transporters which don?t feature in human cells, which makes them a prime target for the immune system to recognise an invading element. In particular the haemoglobin binding proteins, which are a bit like a large red flag labelled ?invader? sticking out of the bacterial cell surface. Not only that, but they are quite energy expensive to run, particularly for the Gram negative cells. In consequence, the bacteria tend to only activate this system when they are running particularly low on iron, and there are no other available sources around.


Ref 1: Pishchany G, & Skaar EP (2012). Taste for blood: hemoglobin as a nutrient source for pathogens. PLoS pathogens, 8 (3) PMID: 22412370

Ref 2: Pishchany, G., McCoy, A., Torres, V., Krause, J., Crowe, J., Fabry, M., & Skaar, E. (2010). Specificity for Human Hemoglobin Enhances Staphylococcus aureus Infection Cell Host & Microbe, 8 (6), 544-550 DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2010.11.002

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New York Jets MinicampGetty Images

On March 2, the NFL told the world that the Saints had been using a bounty system for three straight seasons, offering players money for ?cart-offs? and ?knockouts.?? On March 3, Jets coach Rex Ryan issued a statement claiming he has never used them.

?This is something that is being handled by the NFL office,? Ryan said.? ?I?ve never condoned it and I?ve never coached it.?

But while Ryan may not have condoned or coached the habit of offering money to players for knocking opposing players out of games (whether they leave on their own power or via a stretcher or a golf cart), Ryan has condoned ? and coached ? the habit of knocking opposing players out of games.? We know this because Ryan said so in his 2011 book, Play Like You Mean It.

From pages 16-17 of the chapter called Blunt-Force Trauma:? ?Each game we might also designate an opposing player with a dot.? Players don?t want to be dotted by the New York Jets, because that means we want that dude knocked out of the game.? Of course, it has to be legal and by the book.? We don?t play dirty, and no way will we intentionally hurt a player with an illegal, cheap shot.? We dot players fair and square.? There are players out there who think they are badasses, and you just might see two of our players knock the hell out of him.? Pow!? Pow!? That?s our mentality.? Everything we do is aggressive and, hey, we may make a mistake, but we will go one hundred miles per hour and we will knock the hell out of you.? Big hits create turnovers.? You haven?t been Punked ? you?ve been Dotted!?

Last year, when I read Ryan?s book, I applied a Post-It note to that paragraph, but it didn?t strike me as anything scandalous or improper or worth mentioning in a separate post.? In the wake of the Saints? bounty investigation, the mentality exhibited by Ryan doesn?t seem all that different than the mentality underpinning the pool of cash that went to players for making big plays ? whether interceptions or fumble recoveries or knocking ?that dude? out of the game.

The only difference between what the Saints did and what Ryan does is that the Saints violated the salary cap by paying players for doing things they already were being paid to do.? The Saints didn?t want to injure players, notwithstanding the cartoonishly graphic urgings of former defensive coordinator Gregg Williams.? They simply wanted to knock players out of games.? Just like Rex Ryan.

But since an attempt to knock a player out of a game necessarily may inflict injury on the player, the NFL felt compelled to take severe and swift action.? So why has the punishment been confined only to the Saints?

The goal here isn?t to get the Jets in trouble.? The goal is to illustrate that the rabbit hole goes far deeper than the NFL cares to admit.? Instead, the league wants to pour cement in it, hammer the Saints in order to get everyone else?s attention, and move on.

Here?s hoping that the effort includes telling Rex Ryan that it?s no longer acceptable to ?dot? opposing players.

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CMS online structure can be a tricky spot. Not that it truly is an advanced domain but the fashion where the internet style marketplace operates isn?t specifically great for organizations that aren?t entirely mindful of CMS web layout or Joomla website style and design.
A lot of the main difficulties that companies are met with although selecting a world wide web style and design provider is the fact that the net builders generally tend not to understand what the consumer is definitely in need of, you can find ongoing expenditures as and when there needs to be sure additions to the website content and so on and so forth.
CMS website layout is undoubtedly an integral facet of the organization in these situations and it is imperative that an enterprise chooses the most effective website style and design business which can take care of to supply seamless nonetheless very affordable solutions. Below can be a few hints that ought to be able that can assist you to select the best website design corporation.
CMS online design and style is simply not about using an ordinary internet template and adding the articles a business supplies. Net design and style is totally a resourceful domain and companies should have a look at this factor when deciding on a CMS net design and style company.
There are lots of platforms right now that happen to be accustomed to develop sites this sort of as Joomla internet design and style or WordPress online design. The best website structure provider will consider its time for you to describe the nitty-gritty to a small business at the time of consultation. Lots of firms frequently merely seek the services of a web style firm and assigning the task they leave it at that. Although lively participation is simply not deemed to get vital once the CMS website design and style is in development but knowing what a company is supposed to count on and have is important.
Expenses enjoy a pivotal part in almost any small business determination. Not not likely, it?s important to notice the prices of CMS online styles. In the event you can deal with to rent the most effective world wide web structure company then you definately can preserve your fees remarkably very low. For those who have encountered your CMS internet style organization charging incessantly around small updates or amendments towards the internet site material you then significantly ought to appear for other solutions.
Simply just creating a CMS internet layout isn?t going to finish the task of your developer. There exists a must launch the site and even run it with utmost efficiency. No matter if you are looking for personalized CMS web design and style, Joomla website design and style or anything at all, you have to hold the world wide web design corporation remaining in charge in anyway occasions.

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London re-elects Boris Johnson as mayor

FILE This Saturday, May 3, 2008 file photo shows London Mayor-elect Boris Johnson speaking after signing the declaration of acceptance as Mayor of London at London's City Hall. Analysts say it's an Olympic tussle, an election battle to win control of London's City Hall just weeks before thousands of athletes and spectators arrive in Britain's capital for the Summer Games. But local elections being held Thursday May 3, 2012 across Britain, including a vote for London's mayor, could have more far reaching repercussions _ catapulting Boris Johnson, the capital's famously outspoken, but well liked leader, on a path to national power.(AP Photo/Akira Suemori, File)

FILE This Saturday, May 3, 2008 file photo shows London Mayor-elect Boris Johnson speaking after signing the declaration of acceptance as Mayor of London at London's City Hall. Analysts say it's an Olympic tussle, an election battle to win control of London's City Hall just weeks before thousands of athletes and spectators arrive in Britain's capital for the Summer Games. But local elections being held Thursday May 3, 2012 across Britain, including a vote for London's mayor, could have more far reaching repercussions _ catapulting Boris Johnson, the capital's famously outspoken, but well liked leader, on a path to national power.(AP Photo/Akira Suemori, File)

Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha arrive at the polling station at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, London, to vote in the mayoral and council elections Thursday May 3, 2012. Opinion polls indicate that London's outspoken, but well-liked, Conservative mayor Boris Johnson seems on course to retain City Hall in British elections. (AP Photo / Peter Macdiarmid)

Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha arrive at the polling station at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster, London, to vote in the mayoral and council elections Thursday May 3, 2012. Opinion polls indicate that London's outspoken, but well-liked, Conservative mayor Boris Johnson seems on course to retain City Hall in British elections. (AP Photo / Peter Macdiarmid)

Labour Party leader Ed Miliband shakes hands with wellwishers in Birmingham, England, Friday May 4, 2012. Prime Minister David Cameron's Conservative Party took an electoral bruising Friday, suffering widespread losses in local elections as voters punished the leader for biting austerity measures and a stalled economy. Main opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband toasted his own party's revival after its ousting from national office in the 2010 national election. By Friday morning it had won control of 22 local authorities and claimed at least 470 new council seats. (AP Photo/PA, Rui Vieira) UNITED KINGDOM OUT NO SALES NO ARCHIVE

LONDON (AP) ? London's comic and outspoken mayor Boris Johnson won re-election Friday, triumphing in a closer-than-expected vote to secure a second term and his status as the unvarnished and unpredictable host of the 2012 Olympics

Johnson's victory, in election results confirmed late Friday, was a bright spot on a rough day for his colleagues in Prime Minister David Cameron's governing Conservative Party, who took a drubbing in local elections.

Voters stripped both the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats ? the junior partner in Britain's coalition government ? of hundreds of local authority seats, punishing the government for biting austerity measures and Britain's stalled economy.

But the Conservatives could take some solace when it was announced that Johnson ? known best for his shock of blond hair and sometimes shocking foul-mouthed outbursts ? had eked out a win against the opposition Labour Party's Ken Livingstone and earned the privilege of leading London into the global spotlight when the Summer Games begin on July 27.

In his victory speech at City Hall after hours of waiting for results, Johnson did not mention the Conservatives' dismal showing in local elections and instead thanked those who voted for him during the "long and grueling" campaign.

"I want to thank all of you for giving me a new chance and a new mandate to take us forward," Johnson said, pledging to continue "fighting for a good deal for Londoners."

He also somewhat sarcastically described Livingstone ? his predecessor as mayor ? as one of the "most creative and most original" left-wing politicians he'd seen ? a reference to the at-times bitter exchanges between the two candidates.

Livingstone called the defeat the one he will "most regret" in his four-decade career in electoral politics ? which appeared to be over late Friday.

"This is my last election," he told City Hall.

Many had expected Johnson, 47, to handily defeat Livingstone, a veteran leftist known for his admiration of Venezuela's Hugo Chavez.

But he won by a tighter margin than expected ? 51.5 percent to 48.5 percent ? and the drama of the race was heightened by delays in counting ballots. The result was announced just minutes before midnight ? more than 24 hours after polls had closed.

Johnson's victory could be bittersweet for Cameron ? offering relief from his party's national woes, but cementing the outspoken mayor as a likely future leadership rival.

Cameron's Conservatives took a bruising in votes in the 181 local authorities in England, Wales and Scotland which held polls this year, losing more than 400 seats ? including some in the leader's own political district.

Although the results won't put Cameron's leadership in jeopardy, they prompted grassroots Conservatives to urge him to ditch some of his more liberal policies, including the planned introduction of same-sex marriage.

Johnson, who has appealed to traditionalists with messages on tax cuts and looser ties to Europe, is increasingly seen as a plausible national leader ? not least for bucking his party's national slump.

"The best thing for Cameron would be to have Boris locked into the London mayoralty for the next four years and out of the way," said Patrick Dunleavy, a political science professor at the London School of Economics.

Cameron also suffered a blow to his legislative hopes, as nine cities ? including Manchester, Birmingham and Newscastle-upon-Tyne ? voted down plans to have their own directly elected city mayors.

The leader had hoped that new city chiefs, and U.S.-style elected police commissioners, would help deliver power away from Parliament and into the hands of local communities.

Bristol, in southwestern England, was the only city to vote in favor of electing a new mayor.

Like Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg's Liberal Democrats ? the junior partner in Britain's coalition government ? suffered a collapse, losing 336 councilors. That pushed their total number of local councilors below 3,000 for the first time since the party formed in 1988.

Main opposition Labour Party leader Ed Miliband toasted his own party's revival after its ousting from national office in the 2010 national election. It won control of 32 more local authorities and claimed 823 new council seats.

"We are a party winning back people's trust," Miliband said. "People are hurting. People are suffering from this recession, people are suffering from a government that raises taxes for them and cuts taxes for millionaires."

Cameron insisted his poll battering was to be expected at the midpoint before a 2015 national election, and with his government carrying out grueling economic repairs following the global economic crisis.

"These are difficult times and there aren't easy answers," Cameron acknowledged.

Elsewhere, the United Kingdom Independence Party ? which advocates a British withdrawal from the European Union ? made advances. The far-right British National Party saw its vote wiped out, losing all six council seats it held in the areas contesting elections.

In Scotland, Alex Salmond's separatist Scottish National Party made local gains before an expected 2014 referendum on independence but win control of Glasgow's council, a key target.


Associated Press writer Bob Barr contributed to this story.

Associated Press

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Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney Break Up!

Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney have reportedly broken up.

The pop superstar and the model-actor, who has appeared on The Vampire Diaries, are officially "on a break," a source tells Us Weekly this afternoon.

"She will be touring nonstop until next year and has found she can't have a relationship at the same time," the insider says of her upcoming mega-tour.

"There's just no room for anything else. Her work is all-consuming."

Lady Gaga GlassesTaylor Kinney Photo

Still, the couple of 10 months was showing signs of cracking for some time, even before rumors of her possibly getting back together with Luc Carl.

The reason, allegedly? Kinney not doting on The Gaga,

"Taylor was all about himself, a typical actor, and didn't completely get Gaga," says the friend, suggesting that it wasn't meant to be. "She just loved that she got this guy who everyone thought was hot! But it was never going to last."

"Taylor was never that attentive to her."

The two first met on the set of Lady Gaga's "You and I" video. While a reconciliation isn't officially off the table for these two, don't hold your breath.

[Photos: WENN.com]

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Malibu activist retracts claim against Pepperdine over sudsy water

An environmental crusader known as "Mr. Malibu" has apologized to Pepperdine University and retracted accusations that the school is to blame for effluent flowing down Marie Canyon Creek and into the Pacific Ocean.

In exchange, the university has agreed to drop a lawsuit against activist Cary ONeal that alleged libel and "invasion of privacy by placing person in a false light in public eye."

In two videos he posted online, ONeal claimed that a foamy substance pooling on a Malibu beach was sewage released by Pepperdine. The images of runoff were juxtaposed with views of the tiny Malibu Mesa Water Reclamation Facility a few hundred yards upstream.

"I acknowledge that these statements were inaccurate," ONeal said in a written retraction. "Pepperdine does not operate the Malibu Mesa Water Reclamation Facility."

Los Angeles County operates the sewage treatment plant, which serves the 830-acre university and an adjoining housing tract. The facility was built in the late 1970s by Pepperdine and Alcoa, the developer of the subdivision, and turned over to the county.

ONeal's retraction adds that "I have been advised, and believe, that the county did not discharge sewage or sewage effluent from Malibu Mesa onto a Malibu beach on March 25.... I am grateful that Pepperdine has agreed to dismiss the lawsuit...."

Pepperdine spokesman Jerry Derloshon said the school is also glad to put the matter behind it.

"It was a false statement, and it was made very public," Derloshon said. "We're pleased with the result."

Derloshon said the source of the sudsy water shown in ONeal's videos remains a mystery.

ONeal agreed, noting that he and other environmentalists intend to try to determine the cause of the foamy discharge.

ONeal said he agreed to the retraction and apology after Pepperdine's lawyers proposed the statement's wording.

"It was genuine intimidation, and it worked," he told a reporter on Tuesday. "Obviously I can't fight Pepperdine financially. But people in Malibu are stopping me and thanking me for raising the issue."


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Let?s see ? it?s lots of money. But how much exactly? And don?t we all know plenty of examples that just goes to show money doesn?t bring happiness?

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It?s being adored by throngs of fans. (Ugh ? no privacy!). It?s ? it?s ? Darn it! I thought I knew!

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Being successful means being absolutely perfectly content and at peace with what you have and who you are right now, whilst at the same time having the drive, the passion to be and do more.

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Kids' racist hockey tweets put schools in bind

Brian Snyder / Reuters

Washington Capitals' Joel Ward, center, celebrates after scoring the game-winning goal against the Boston Bruins in Game 7 of the NHL Eastern Conference quarter-final hockey playoff series on April 25. His feat was met by a barrage of racist tweets.

By James Eng, msnbc.com

Should schools punish students who tweeted racist remarks after a black pro hockey player scored the winning goal to knock the Boston Bruins out of the NHL playoffs?

Administrators at high schools and colleges in New England are wrestling with that question, straddling a fine line between free speech and socially incorrect remarks that shame the school.

Hordes of angry hockey fans ? presumably Boston Bruins fans -- unleashed a barrage of racist rants on Twitter and other social-networking sites after the Washington Capitals beat the defending champion Bruins a week ago Wednesday on an overtime goal by Joel Ward, the Capitals? 31-year-old left wing. Ward is one of just a handful of black players in the NHL.

According to local media reports, several students at high schools in Gloucester and Danvers in Massachusetts, the Cumberland, R.I., School District, and Franklin Pierce?University in New Hampshire were among the tweeters.

Ward brushed off the denigrating comments. ?It's a few people that just made a couple of terrible comments, and what can you do? I know what I signed up for. I'm a black guy playing a predominantly white sport. It's just going to come with the territory,? he told reporters last week.

Racist tweets?that have since been taken down were traced to at least five Gloucester High School students, including at least three student-athletes, The Gloucester Daily Times reported.

Gloucester School District Superintendent Richard Safier, in a statement issued to the local newspaper two days after the game, said the district is ?conducting a full investigation and will consider whether disciplinary action is warranted, and whether the schools have jurisdiction.

"Second, we will implement a strong educational component that looks at the social, moral, and legal aspects of such remarks," he added.

Safier did not return a call from msnbc.com this week about the status of the investigation.

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Jonathan Pope, chairman of the seven-member Gloucester School Committee, which sets school policy, said the committee doesn?t ?have anything on the books? that addresses scenarios like the racist hockey tweets.

?We don?t know whether we actually have any legal standing to implement any kinds of penalties for that kind of behavior done outside school on a private communication system,? Pope told msnbc.com. ?Everything links to what happens in school, what happens on the (school) playing field and what happens during school supplemental activities. It doesn?t really apply to what kids do walking down the street.?

At Franklin Pierce University, a private college in Rindge, N.H., administrators said they were investigating ?vile racial slurs? tweeted by a freshman after the Bruins? loss.

?This first-year student, who is not a part of any Franklin Pierce University athletic team, will be addressed appropriately and in accordance with our Student Conduct Code,? the university said in a statement.

The student apologized in a follow-up tweet, saying: ?I was in a state that had me frustrated. I am not racist and never will be. Sorry.?

A?university spokeswoman said student privacy issues prevent?the school?from disclosing details of the case and possible disciplinary action.

Franklin Pierce students and faculty upset by the tweets held a ?Take A Stand? rally Wednesday at the campus courtyard.

In Danvers, Mass., a 17-year-old who reportedly used the N-word in a tweet referring to Ward was fired by the sandwich shop where he works, according to the Danvers Herald.

The teen is a student at St. John?s Prep, a private, Catholic high school for boys. ?As a school community, St. John?s Prep stands against racism in any form, and we are deeply disturbed by the remarks posted online following the Bruins game on Wednesday, April 25. In keeping with school disciplinary policies, we are investigating the matter at this time,? the school said. A school spokeswoman declined further comment on any potential action the school might take.

In Cumberland, R.I., school Superintendent Phil Thornton said a junior hockey player posted a racist tweet under his own name, followed by the name of his high school.

?The comments ... are deeply disturbing and not part of what we teach,? Thornton said, according to the Boston Herald. ?We have been in contact with the family and are taking all steps to address this very serious issue.?

In a follow-up radio?interview on WPRO?s ?The Dan Yorke Show,? Thornton wouldn?t specify what actions, if any, the school?might take. He noted that students are entitled to free speech as long as they don?t disrupt the learning environment, but those who participate in extracurricular activities such as sports sign an agreement to abide by a code of conduct.

"It says in there, students doing anything unbecoming, i.e. Twitter, social networking, may have a consequence,? Thornton said. "In terms of after-school activities, these students are ambassadors. What they say and what do, how they conduct themselves, matters."

Whether schools can punish students for what they post online via social-media networks is not clear-cut.

A 1969 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Tinker vs. Des Moines, found that public schools could only punish students? speech if they could show that the activities ?would materially and substantially? disrupt the school?s educational mission.

In a more recent case, the Supreme Court in 2007 ruled against an Alaska high school student who argued his free-speech rights were violated when he was suspended for unveiling a ?Bong Hits 4 Jesus? banner across the street from the school during the 2002 Olympic Torch Relay. The court said the banner could be interpreted as a pro-illegal drug-use message at a school-sanctioned activity.

?It gets tricky because the Supreme Court?s standard for schools being able to punish or discipline students is where speech causes a disruption in school or hurts the learning environment. That?s the legal standard,? said Eric P. Robinson, deputy director of the Reynolds Center for Courts and Media at the University of Nevada-Reno?and former staff attorney at the Media Law Resource Center.

In the hockey tweets case, ?it might be a little hard for school administrators to show that sending those messages disrupts school directly,? said Robinson, who also blogs about Internet law and policy.

Adam Goldstein, attorney advocate with the Student Press Law Center, an Arlington, Va.-based organization that advocates for students' First Amendment rights and free online speech, said disciplining students for hateful speech is counterproductive.

?I do think it is a case of free expression. There?s a problem with the reaction that everything we think is bad is something we should punish,? Goldstein said. ?I think the attitude that we should punish speech that?s racist is what gives that speech power.?

Instead, Goldstein said, schools?should use the incidents as teaching moments and leave the discipline to parents. ?Schools should be taking action; I just don?t think the action should be to punish the speech.?

Pope, of the Gloucester School Committee, seemed to agree.

?I think ultimately it?s a parental issue. On the district level it?s really an issue of us trying to use it as a teaching moment and use it to have discussions around diversity and racism," he said.

?We work very hard, but ultimately the parents are the main educators of children."

As to the fine line between students' free speech and potentially disruptive speech, Robinson notes that Twitter, Facebook and other social-networking sites weren?t around when the Supreme Court issued its landmark Tinker vs. Des Moines decision, a case that involved students wearing black armbands to protest America?s involvement in the Vietnam War.

?There is some thinking that the standard needs to be rethought because of just this sort of circumstance,? he said, referring to the hockey?tweets.??Social media is challenging a lot of legal ideas and principles when it comes to the First Amendment, and this may be another one of those cases.?

Should schools be allowed to discipline students for offensive tweets posted away from school?

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Leaders fall in Europe crisis: Sarkozy next?

France's President and conservative candidate for re-election in 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy, from his car to supporters as he leaves a campaign meeting in Sables d'Ollonne, western France, Friday, May 4, 2012. The final polls before France's presidential election Sunday show a shrinking gap between President Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist challenger Francois Hollande, but still predict a Hollande victory. (AP Photo/Eric Feferberg, Pool)

France's President and conservative candidate for re-election in 2012, Nicolas Sarkozy, from his car to supporters as he leaves a campaign meeting in Sables d'Ollonne, western France, Friday, May 4, 2012. The final polls before France's presidential election Sunday show a shrinking gap between President Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist challenger Francois Hollande, but still predict a Hollande victory. (AP Photo/Eric Feferberg, Pool)

FILE - In this Monday, Feb. 28, 2011 file photo Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi attends a meeting in downtown Milan, Italy. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is widely expected to be kicked out of office in elections Sunday. If he goes, he'll be in good company: Just about every European country that has been hit by the debt crisis, and held elections since it began, have thrown out their leaders. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday March 10, 2010 file photo Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown gestures as he makes a major economical speech in London. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is widely expected to be kicked out of office in elections Sunday. If he goes, he'll be in good company: Just about every European country that has been hit by the debt crisis, and held elections since it began, have thrown out their leaders. (AP Photo/ Charlie Bibby, Pool)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011 file photo Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero listens to a question during a news conference in Ankara, Turkey, . French President Nicolas Sarkozy is widely expected to be kicked out of office in elections Sunday. If he goes, he'll be in good company: Just about every European country that has been hit by the debt crisis, and held elections since it began, have thrown out their leaders. (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici, File)

FILE - In this Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 file photo Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou addresses Socialist lawmakers members of parliament in Athens, in Athens. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is widely expected to be kicked out of office in elections Sunday. If he goes, he'll be in good company: Just about every European country that has been hit by the debt crisis, and held elections since it began, have thrown out their leaders. (AP Photo/Petros Giannakouris, File)

(AP) ? French President Nicolas Sarkozy is widely expected to be kicked out of office in elections Sunday. If he goes, he'll be in good company: Almost every crisis-hit European country that has held an election since disaster struck in 2009 has thrown out its leader.

Here's a look at countries where political cadavers litter the landscape.

? SPAIN: A burst real estate bubble also deflates faith in a Socialist government, which is nonetheless reluctant to admit Spain has problems. Blips of good economic news are seized upon as "green shoots" pointing to recovery. Wrong. Stimulus measures are enacted, then crushing austerity. Unemployment soars. The Socialists of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero are wiped off the map in November 2011 elections; Mariano Rajoy's conservatives take over.

? ITALY: Silvio Berlusconi, the long-serving Teflon leader accused of everything from bedding escorts to serial corruption, finally bites the dust in November 2011. He resigns to cheers and jeers as investors lose confidence in his ability to spur economic growth and rein in debt. It's the end of a political era. Mario Monti, a former European Commissioner, is named to replace him and lead a technical government until elections in 2013.

? BRITAIN: Gordon Brown leads the Labour Party to defeat in the May 2010 election; Conservative Party leader David Cameron becomes leader of a coalition government. Brown had been finance chief for a decade before succeeding Tony Blair in 2007. Brown had boasted endlessly of ending the cycle of boom and bust ? but as prime minister he presided mostly over bust.

? IRELAND: Brian Cowen, promoted to prime minister in 2008 after being finance minister, doesn't even get to run. He resigns as leader of the Fianna Fail Party weeks before the February, 2011 election. It doesn't help his party, which suffers its worst ever defeat. Cowen was finance minister during Ireland's banking crisis and the collapse of its housing bubble.

? GREECE: Greek Socialist leader George Papandreou swept to power in October 2009 over conservative opponents, pledging to spend his way out of a deteriorating economic situation. Two years later, at the height of Greece's worst financial crisis since World War II, Papandreou's own deputies force him out after he endangers a hard-won bailout by announcing he would put it to a referendum. He's replaced by caretaker Prime Minister Lucas Papademos.

? PORTUGAL: A month after Portugal requests a 78 billion-euro bailout, the center-left Socialist government of Jose Socrates is voted out of power in June, 2011. Portugal's woes stemmed from a decade of feeble growth as it failed to modernize amid increasing global competition and dug itself deeper into debt.

? DENMARK: A center-right government in Denmark loses power in September in part due to discontent over austerity measures introduced amid the debt crisis. It is replaced by a center-left coalition.

? FINLAND: Finland's government is reconfigured after June elections following a sharp surge in support for nationalists who oppose bailouts for debt-stricken eurozone countries. A conservative-led coalition spanning left and right is formed to keep the nationalist True Finns out of power.

Bucking the Trend:

? ROMANIA: Romanian President Traian Basescu wins re-election in 2009, the year Romania's economy shrinks by 7 percent and Romania takes a 20 billion-euro bailout loan from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Union. Basescu, a former ship captain, prevails because he is seen as a strong leader in a time of crisis.

? POLAND: This has been a rare European success story: It's the only European Union country that did not to slip into recession during the global crisis of 2008-2009. Last fall the center-right party of Prime Minister Donald Tusk wins a second straight term in parliamentary elections, making history by becoming the first government since the fall of communism in Poland in 1989 to be re-elected.

? ALSO: Sweden's prime minister is re-elected in 2010 and the prime ministers of Latvia and Estonia are re-elected in 2011.

Associated Press

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Quite possibly the most famous dastardly ex to date, Tiger Woods made headlines when his November 2009 car accident led to a slew of revelations about his many mistresses--eleven, by one count. His ex-wife Elin Nordegren reportedly received a $110 million settlement and joint custody of their two children in the divorce, which was finalized in August 2010. The scandal cost Woods millions of dollars in corporate endorsements.

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HBT: Red Sox sign Prior to minor-league deal

It?s been nearly six years since Mark Prior threw a pitch in the majors. And since that time a number of teams have kicked the tires on him. He threw 12 minor league innings for the Yankees last year and that was mildly promising. ?But really, is anyone expecting him to ever pitch in a real big league game again?

Maybe the Red Sox are. Because Jon Heyman reports that they?re going to sign him to a minor league deal. UPDATE: They did it. His agent just confirmed.

I guess everyone looks at Prior and sees 2003. ?Good luck to him and them, but given his injury history and lack of any kind of momentum on any previous comeback, I don?t think anyone is holding their breath.

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The Reiki Stress Management Solution For Women | GoodArticle.net

With as much as American supposedly do to combat stress, you would think we would actually combat stress. Judging from the American Psychological Association?s 2010 annual stress survey, we are not doing a very good job of it. The reports say only 40% of Americans think their health is good or excellent. That is a dangerously low percentage, especially considering the number of health issues caused by stress. And 44% of Americans say their stress levels have shot up in the last five years.

What?s more, most Americans are living with moderate to high stress levels, yet our efforts to manage that stress usually fail, especially if we are women. Over one-quarter of women live with a high level of stress, giving their lives an 8, 9, or 10 out of 10? imagine that? as opposed to 20% of men (also imagine that). 49% of women, and only 39% of men, report that their stress levels have shot up in the last five years.

Clearly, we Americans need help to reduce stress. Plus we women need more help to reduce stress. That?s when alternative health methods such as the Reiki Method of Natural Healing should not be considered so ?alternative,? but instead be recognized as empowering components of our wellness plans, healthcare systems, and stress management efforts.

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Put this in your beauty file: Reiki can encourage a healthy visage like no moisturizer out there, a great thing for women who want the best for their skin. (Reiki is so relaxing that it would be hard not to look better after a treatment!) Years ago, the first woman practitioner at the highest level, Mrs. Hawayo Takata, remarked that you would not age once you became a Reiki Master Level Practitioner, and she looked about sixty when she passed at the age of eighty. The Reiki Method of Natural Healing can also help ease other skin conditions like blemishes, plaque psoriasis, dry skin, poison ivy, and sunburn.

Let?s face it, women need an extra measure of stress relief, particularly those who are married (Note that in the APA study, 33% of married women as opposed to 22% of single women report living in a great deal of stress). We women usually put ourselves last and our health and peace of mind therefore suffer.

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Dr. Barnsley Brown is a professional speaker and coach who loves helping busy professionals create balance and prosperity. Want to have 2+ more hours every day for who and what you love? Find out how with Dr. Barnsley?s fun, info-packed report, ?How to Overcome Overwhelm in Seven Easy Steps? at http://spirited-solutions.com/freebies/reports/

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How Biodiversity Keeps Earth Alive

News | Energy & Sustainability

Species loss lessens the total amount of biomass on a given parcel, suggesting that the degree of diversity directly impacts the amount of life the planet can support

california-meadowBIODIVERSITY: Native wildflowers add diversity to this prairie-like California grassland. Image: ? David Hooper

In 1994 biologists seeded patches of grassland in Cedar Creek, Minn. Some plots got as many as 16 species of grasses and other plants?and some as few as one. In the first few years plots with eight or more species fared about as well as those with fewer species, suggesting that a complex mix of species?what is known as biodiversity?didn't affect the amount of a plot's leaf, blade, stem and root (or biomass, as scientists call it). But when measured over a longer span?more than a decade?those plots with the most species produced the greatest abundance of plant life.

"Different species differ in how, when and where they acquire water, nutrients and carbon, and maintain them in the ecosystem. Thus, when many species grow together, they have a wider set of traits that allow them to gain the resources needed," explains ecologist Peter Reich of the University of Minnesota, who led this research to be published in Science on May 4. This result suggests "no level of diversity loss can occur without adverse effects on ecosystem functioning." That is the reverse of what numerous studies had previously found, largely because those studies only looked at short-term outcomes.

The planet as a whole is on the cusp of what some researchers have termed the sixth mass extinction event in the planet's history: the wiping out of plants, animals and all other forms of life due to human activity. The global impact of such biodiversity loss is detailed in a meta-analysis led by biologist David Hooper of Western Washington University. His team examined 192 studies that looked at species richness and its effect on ecosystems. "The primary drivers of biodiversity loss are, in rough order of impact to date: habitat loss, overharvesting, invasive species, pollution and climate change," Hooper explains. Perhaps unsurprisingly, "biodiversity loss in the 21st century could rank among the major drivers of ecosystem change," Hooper and his colleagues wrote in Nature on May 3. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

Losing just 21 percent of the species in a given ecosystem can reduce the total amount of biomass in that ecosystem by as much as 10 percent?and that's likely to be a conservative estimate. And when more than 40 percent of an ecosystem's species disappear?whether plant, animal, insect, fungi or microbe?the effects can be as significant as those caused by a major drought. Nor does this analysis take into account how species extinction can both be driven by and act in concert with other changes?whether warmer average temperatures or nitrogen pollution. In the real world environmental and biological changes "are likely to be happening at the same time," Hooper admits. "This is a critical need for future research."

The major driver of human impacts on the rest of life on this planet?whether through clearing forests or dumping excess fertilizer on fields?is our need for food. Maintaining high biomass from farming ecosystems, which often emphasize monocultures (single species) while also preserving biodiversity?some species now appear only on farmland?has become a "key issue for sustainability," Hooper notes, "if we're going to grow food for nine billion people on the planet in the next 40 to 50 years."

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Edwards' mistress told staffer 'we're madly in love'

John Edwards' mistress Rielle Hunter knocked on the hotel door of a campaign aide in early 2007 and told the stunned campaign worker that "she and John Edwards were very much in love."

Two days later Edwards took the aide aside and said that Hunter was "crazy" and denied that he was having an affair with her, although the aide had never asked about it.

John Davis, who was Edwards' "body man" during his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2006 and 2007, said the visit from Hunter came on Feb. 5, 2007 while the campaign was in Detroit.

Hunter had already been dismissed from the campaign at the insistence of Edwards' suspicious wife Elizabeth, so Davis was surprised when he ran into Hunter in an elevator and that she got off on his boss' floor.

"I would have preferred not to have seen her? I was concerned why she was there? I was suspicious they had maintained a relationship," Davis testified today.

After Hunter got off the elevator, Davis went to his room and called his wife to say he had seen Hunter, when there was a knock on his door. He opened the door to find Hunter.

"She told me she and John Edwards were very much in love and he (Edwards) was concerned that I had seen her," Davis testified. "I told her it was not my business... and I asked her to leave."

He said he then called his wife back and said, "You are really not going to believe this."

Two days later the campaign was about to leave Detroit when Edwards called Davis into a room.

"He asked if I had run in to Miss Hunter. He (Edwards) told me she came to his room and told him she was going to go on Inside Edition or Access Hollywood to talk about her work for him. He told me she was crazy and to make sure she didn't contact him," Davis told the court.

"He denied there was an affair. He brought it up proactively," Davis said. The aide did not tell Edwards about Hunter's confession to him.

The aide said that he became aware that the relationship was continuing because Edwards would sometimes borrow his phone and keep it for a long time. On one occasion, Davis returned to Edwards' room to get his phone back, but could hear Edwards and Hunter talking on the phone.

"I heard Rielle Hunter on the speaker phone. I recognized her voice. I heard Mr. Edwards ask if she was showing yet," Davis testified.

He also told the court that in fall of 2007 Edwards gave him a wrapped package and asked him to hold it. After several weeks, Edwards told him to get rid of the package, but Davis said with a smile that he did not get rid of it.

"I was very interested in what was in that package. I opened it up and inside the package was a telephone," Davis said. It was later confiscated by investigators.

Edwards is charged with violating campaign finance laws by using more than $1 million from wealthy donors to hide his pregnant girlfriend. He could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted.

Part of Edwards' defense is that he used the money to hide the affair from his wife, which may be a sin, but not a crime.

Much of the testimony appears to show that Edwards' campaign was involved in the cover up of the affair.

The courtroom was riveted on Wednesday by testimony about Elizabeth Edwards' distraught reaction to the National Enquirer story in October 2007 that her husband was having an affair. She confronted her husband in an airport parking lot, collapsing a heap, then tearing off her shirt and bra.

That testimony sent daughter Cate Edwards out of the courtroom in tears.

But the subtler part of the testimony was apparently to show that Edwards' campaign was involved.

Christina Reynolds, former research director for Edwards campaign, told the court that after the Enquirer story came out the campaign had a conversation with Hunter about issuing a denial.

Hunter's response, Reynolds said, was that she wanted to release a flip comment that she had been "abducted by aliens."

"My concern was that if (she) was hedging on issuing a straight denial, we wouldn't know what she would do," Reynolds testified.

The prosecutor asked what would have happened if the story had grown, and Reynolds replied, "I don't think it would have been good. I think it would have been very bad for the campaign."

Hunter eventually issued a denial without mentioning aliens.

Previous witnesses, John and Cheri Young, have testified that they were assigned to keep Hunter hidden while Edwards pursued the Democratic presidential nomination. The coverup continued after he dropped out, they claim, because he was angling for a top job like vice president or attorney general.

Campaign scheduler Matthew Nelson recounted on Wednesday first meeting Hunter in late June 2006 when he was instructed to pick her up and bring her to Edwards' house. Nelson, Hunter and Edwards then flew together to Raleigh-Durham under the pretense that Edwards was interviewing Hunter for a job.

While in the house, Edwards feigned ignorance of who Hunter was, asking Nelson in a "whispered tone... who the woman is in the neighboring room."

They later attended a Dave Matthews Band concert and flew to Washington, D.C. together, Nelson testified.

Nelson also told the court of being asked to set up a meeting with wealthy philanthropist Rachel "Bunny" Mellon who gave $725,000 to Edwards' hush fund.

Another Edwards' campaign aide Josh Brumberger also testified about attending a meeting with Edwards at Mellon's home as they courted her for funding.

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A Sinful War

A Sinful War

A war between the seven deadly sisters and the seven deadly brothers is going as planned for each side, but, when those little things called feelings gets in the way, what would happen?


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I would like to reserve sister of lust please :)

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i would like to reserve the sister of wrath

and would also like to know what you specifically mean by wrath.

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Sales Pro: New Business Development Field Sales Executive

Job ID: 70268

Job Views: 33

Location: Not Specified,

Job Category: Field Sales

Employment Type: Full time


Posted: Wed May 02

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My client is seeking a skilled Security/Fire, New Business Development Field Sales Executive/Manager/Consultant to cover Leeds/Halifax/Oldham/Bradford/Sheffield/Blackburn/
Huddersfield/West Yorkshire - M62/A1/M1 Corridor to increase their sales force and help expand their brand within the UK. The company are a well-established, leading organisation specialising in Security Services and due to growth the company is now looking for a professional from the security services industry who would be able to hit the ground running for the company. You must be well organised and have a keen eye for detail. This is an excellent opportunity to work for a global brand and all candidates must have full-cycle New Business Sales experience.

Knowledge, Skills, Experience:
1-2 years of proven full-cycle New Business Development Sales ability (essential)
Technical knowledge in design of Fire and Security disciplines is desirable.
Expertise within Access Control, CCTV, Fire Alarms, Intruder Alarms all highly beneficial.
Effective communicator at all levels (verbal and written).
Must have experience in sales of a high quantity and a proven ability/track record in a structured Activity Driven Sales Environment
Computer literate.

Key Responsibilities & Accountabilities:
To prospect for new customers through cold calling and telephone canvassing
To attend Sales appointments to sell the Company' s products and services
To achieve weekly activity objective
To professionally represent the Company?s brand and successfully sell the Company's Fire and Security products within the geographical area ensuring achievement of an agreed targets.
To support our National, Key & Strategic accounts within the assigned geographical area
Ensure that customers are kept satisfied with the company' s services.
Prompt and accurate reporting to the managers and directors as required.
Maintenance of a professional relationship with customers and suppliers.
Be continually aware of the changers in legislation & product development

Person Specification:
Essential expectations:
Customer focused
Activity Driven (with a Hunter approach)
Excellent communication skills
Attention to detail
Drive and creativity
Approachable friendly personality
Appropriate business attire at all times
To create a professional impression at all times internally & externally
A positive approach to all situations
Be respectful to others at all times- customers, colleagues, Managers, Directors
Commitment to deliver as expected
Industry experience essential

Location/based: Leeds/Halifax/Oldham/Bradford/Sheffield/Blackburn/Huddersfield/West Yorkshire - M62/A1/M1 Corridor

Salary: ?25k, plus an uncapped OTE + incentives, Car, Laptop and Mobile

This is an excellent role where you will have the opportunity to build on your expertise and existing skills. Please send your CV, availability and salary required for immediate consideration

Morson International is acting as an Employment Agency in relation to this vacancy.

Due to the number of CV's received, if you have not had a response from Morson within 7 days, unfortunately you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.

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